Lola's itineraries

Every long or short journey with Lola, must represent Lola’s opportunity to satisfy her “wolf” nature (which every dog brings inside itself); it means not only turns” or “sharp turns” but also runs on the grass, walks among woods, swims inside streams and a lot, a lot of play.


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Lola’s preferred itineraries are “the Highest Mountains” from  Dolomites to Austria Peaks, where Lola has run many times the most famous Alpine Passes; from Stelvio to Grossglockner Alpenstrasse, as far as 2.800 m and more of Golden Glaciers, even if we do not have to forget that Lola became a “motor-biker” along the roads of Tosco-Romagnolo Apennines, from Muraglione to Colla Pass.

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Lola loves water: streams and lakes are the goal of every journey, obviously when the temperature permits “to drive” without running any healthy risk.

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Big towns and destinations too hot or chaotic are carefully set aside; it is much more better a wonderful walk through the woods.

All this was traveling with Lola!.